Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Qoraal kooban, Oo Aan Kadiyaarinay taariikhda Soomaaliya... (1875-1990kii)
1875kii waxay ahayd markii ugu horaysay ee gumaystayaashii Ingriiska, Faransiiska, iyo Talyaaniguba ay soo cago dhigeen gayiga Soomaaliyeed. Ingriiska oo maamulayey Cadan (Yeman), wuxuu go'aansaday in uu lug ku yeesho dhinaca kale ee badda Gulf of Aden (Berbera).Ingriisku wuxuu ku fakerayey in si uu u ilaashado maraakiibtiisa ka imanaysa India, ee maraysa badda cas ay lagama maarmaan tahay in uu hanto Berbera. Fransiisku wuxuu isna ku fekaray in halka ugu dhaw ee uu Ingriiska ka carqaladaynkaro uu yahay isaga oo Djibouti deegaan ku yeesha. Ingriiska markaas wuxuu ka waday Bariga Africa dhisitaan khad tareen oo isku xidha wadamada Bariga Africa. Talyaaniguna wuxuu markaas lawareegay gacan kuhanynta Koonfurta Soomaaliya oo aan markaas ahayn dhul leh ahmiyad lamid ah kan dhinaca waqooyi ee Soomaaliya. Maadaama Ingriisku aanuu aad u danaynayn Koonfurta Soomaaliya.Talyaaniga waxay u noqotay tani fursad uu ku doodo in uu kamid yahay wadamada reer Europe ee wax gumaysta. 1900. boqorkii Ethiopia Menelik wuxuu qabsaday dhulka Soomaali-galbeed, ama Ogaden. 1899kii Sayid Maxamed C/lle Xassan wuxuu dagaal kala horyimid Gumaysigii Ingriiska. Wuxuu Sayidku dagaalka waday mudda 21 sano ah.Ugudanbayn Ingriisku waxay duqayn xagga hawada ah ku baabi'iyen xarumihii Sayidka. Tani waxay keentay in uu hakad galo halgankii umadda Soomaalidu ay kula jirtay Gumaystihii dalka ku sugnaa.1941-1949kii Ingriisku wuxuu maamulayey gabi ahaanba Soomaaliya, maadaama ay xulafadiisii ku guulaysatay dagaalkii labaad (WWII). 1948kii xulafaddii dagaalkii labaad (WWII) ku guulaysatay waxay ugu deeqeen Ethiopia in ay hanato dhulka Soomaaligalbeed (Ogaden). 1949kii Qaramada Midoobay waxay 10ka sano ee soosocota Soomaaliya hoos gaysay Xukuumadda Talyaaniga.SYL tan aad ayay uga soo horjeesatay xiligaas, waxayna muujisay sida dadka Soomaaliyeed diyaarka ugu yihiin in ay xoriyad helaan. 26 jun, 1960 Soomaalida Waqooyigu waxay ka xoroobeen Ingriiska. Isla sanadkaas 1st July, 1960kii Soomaalida Koonfurtu waxay ka heleen madaxbanaani Talyaaniga. 1964kii Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia waxaa dhexmaray dagaal gaaban. Isla wakhtigaas Ethiopia iyo Kenya waxay wada saxiixdeen heshiis dhinaca milateriga ah oo Soomaaliya ka dhan ah. Xiligan Soomaaliya waxay u leexatay in ay kaalmo milatari waydiisato Soviet Union. Maraykankuna wuxuu isla xiligan kaalmo dhaqaale iyo mid milateriba siiyey Ethiopia. 21 Octobetr, 1969kii Maj. General Maxamed Siyad Barre iyo ciidamada qalabka sida waxay lawareegeen talada dalka, waxayna inqilaabeen xukuumaddii Ra'iisal-wasaare Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal kadib dilkii madaxweynihii Qaranka C/rashiid Cali Sharma'arke 15 October, 1969 uu ku dilay mid kamid ah ilaaladiisi magaalada Laascaanood. 1 January, 1973 xukuumadda Milatterigu waxay ku dhawaaqday in afkii Soomaaliga laqoray.Bishii August, 1974 uguyaraan 20,000 macallin oo Soomaali ah ayaa ka qaybgalay ololihii horumarinta reermiyiga. June, 1976 Xukuumaddi Milaterigu waxay abuurtay Xisbiga Hantiwadaaga Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed (XHKS). Wuxuu ahaa xisbiga kaliya ee loo ogalaa dalka. Xiligaas Xukuumadda Milaterigu waxay ku dhawaaqday in ragga iyo haweenku simanyihiin, waxayna abuurtay xoogag cusub oon horay loo aqoon Sida, "Guulwade." 1977-1978 waxaa socday dagaalkii Ogaden ee dhexmaray Soomaalida iyo Ethiopianka. April, 1978 koox katirsan ciidamaddii qalabka siday oo uu kamid ahaa hogaamiyayaashooda Col. C/llahi Yusuf Axamed ayaa isku dayey inqilaab dhicisoobay. December, 1979 Xukuumaddii Milaterigu waxay qabatay doorashooyin baarlamaan; Laakiin golihii baarlamaanku wuxuu kayimid haldhinac oo ahaa dhinaca Xukuumadda.February, 1982 Maj General Maxamed Siyad ( Madaxweyniha Soomaaliya) wuxuu booqday Washington. Xilligaas waxaa xabsiga laga siidaayey ra'iisalwasaare Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal, waxaase xabsiga lootaxaabay siyaasiyiin kale oo ay kujiraan qaar kamid ah golihii wasiirada. Siyaasiyiintan markan xabsiga lootaxaabay waxaa kujiray Dr. Maxamed Aden Sheikh, Maj. General Cumar Xaji Masalle ( oo labadaba ay aad isugu dhawaayeen Madaxweynaha); Madaxweyne ku xigeenkii, Ismacil Cali Oboker, iyo Wasiirkii Arimaha Dibadda, Cumar Carte Qaalib. 6 April, 1981 waxaa London lagu aas-aasay ururkii SNM ee ay taageerayaasha u ahaayeen Qaar kamid ah Soomaalida waqooyiga. July, 1982 Ciidamada Milateriga Ethiopia oo ay caawinayaan Jabhaddii SSDF ayaa weerar kusoo qaaday bartamaha Soomaaliya.Ethiopia waxay danaynaysay in ay Soomaaliya laba u kala goyso. Balanballe iyo Goldogob waxay u gacangaleen Ethiopia. Waxaana xukuumaddu ku andocootay in magaalooyinkan lagu xasuuqay shacab badan oo Soomaali ah. Isla xilligaas mucaaradku waxay ku doodeen in shacab badan oo Soomaali ah ay xukuumaddu ku xasuuqday gobolka Mudug, gaar ahaan agagaarka Galkacyo. Xilligaas waxaa madax u ahaa jabhaddii SSDF, madaxweyne C/llahi Yusuf Axmed. Xilligan wadamada Reer-galbeedku waxay kaalmo milateri iyo mid dhaqaalaba siiyeen Xukuumaddii Maj. Gen. Maxamed Siyad Barre. 1984kii waxaa socdaal qarsoodi ah ku tagey Soomaaliya wasiirkii Arimaha Dibadda ee South Africa, Roelof Botha. Wuxuu ballan qaaday kaalmo milateri haddii diyaaradaha South Africa ay kusoo degaan Soomaaliya. 1986kii Soomaaliya waxay wax ka aas-aastay urur goboleedka IGAD oo lagu aas aasay Djibouti. Xilligan Maj. Gen. Maxamed Siyad Barre wuxuu kula kulmay Djibouti Mangistu Haile Mariam, madaxweynihii Ethiopia xukumayey. 23 May, 1986 madaxweyne Maxamed Siyad Barre wuxuu galay shil baabuur oo uu si xun ugu dhaawacmay. Madaxweynaha waxaa loo qaaday wadanka Sucuudiga oo lagu soo daaweeyey. November, 1986 Madaxweyne Maxamed Siyaad waxaa loo caleema saaray 7sano oo kale. 99% codayn dhan ayuu ku dooday in loogu codeeyay ereyga "HAA." Laakiin xilligaas waxaa dalka ka socday dagaallo sokeeye, dad badan oo Soomaali ahina waxay ka horjeedeen nidaamkii Xukuumaddii Milateriga. 1987kii hay'adda u dooda xuquuqda bini'aadamka ee Amnesty International, waxay ku eedaysay rajiimkii Maxamed Siyaad in uu ku xadgudbay xuquuqda bini aadamka. Tani waxay keentay in Congresska Maraykanku gooyo kaalmadii uu siinjiray Mr. Barre iyo xukuumaddiisii.27 May, 1988 ururkii SNM wuxuu qabsaday caasimadda gobolkii Togdheer ee Burco. 31 May, 1988 isla ururkii SNM wuxuu qabsaday qaybo badan oo muhiim ah oo kuyiilay Hargaysa. Xukuumaddu waxay xiligan xoog milateri u adeegsatay, duqayn lixaadlehna u geysatay labadaas magaalo. Sidoo kale mucaaradku waxay iyana dhankooda dagaalka ku ballaariyeen goobihii rayidka. Dad Soomaaliyeed oo aad u badan ayaa u qaxay Ethiopia. Kumaankun kalena waxay ku dhinteen dagaaladaas. 9 July, 1989 waxaa Muqdisho lagu toogtay Madixii kaniisada katholiga ee Muqdisho, Salvatore Colombo. Ilaa hadda lama helin ciddii dilkiisa ka danbeysay.Isla xilligan waxaa socday dagaallo sokeeye oo u dhaxeeyey xukuumadda iyo mucaaradka, gaar ahaan gobolada dhexe oo la rumaysanyahay in dad badan oo shacab ah ay ku geeriyoodeen. 14 July, 1989 ciidamadii koofiyad casta ayaa cagta marisay mudaharaad ay sameeyeen dad Soomaali ah oo kacaraysnaa xarig loogaystay Sheikh C/Rashid Sheikh Cali Sufi. Waxaa larumaysanyahay in dadbadani ku geeriyoodeen. 15 July, 1989 waxaa xeebta Jasiira lagu xasuuqay ilaa 47 qof oo Soomaalida waqooyi ah. Waxaa lagu tilmaamaa in uu yahay mid kamid ah waxyaabihii ugu xumaa ee laga xasuusto Xukuumaddii milateriga. tani waxay keentay in Xukuumadihii Reer galbeedku ay iska fogeeyaan Maj. Gen. Maxamed Siyaad iyo xukuumaddiisii. 6 July, 1990kii Waxaa isna dadbadini ku geeriyooday mashaqadii ka dhacday Stadium Muqdisho, garoonka kubadda cagta ee Muqdsiho. 13 July, 1990kii waxaa dil toogasho lagu xukumay 46 kamid ah dad siyaasiyiin ah oo kasoo horjeeday President Barre; kooxdan waxaa lagu magacaabay Manafesto Group. In badan oo iyaga kaimid ahina waxay gadaal ka noqdeen dagaal-oogayaal. 31 December, 1990 waxaa bilowday burburkii xukuumaddii dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Diyaariye: Deeq C/laahi Ahmed (Biggie)
Maxamed Cawaale Liiban ayaa ka mid ahaa halgamayaashii gobannimada Somaliya ka soo hooyey gumeysiga, wuxuuna caan ka yahay dhamaan gudaha Somaliya.Waxuuna Caan ku ahaa uuna sameeyey calanka Soomaalida 1954kii, siiyeyna micnaha qotada iyo xeesha dheer leh ee calanka Somalidu xambaarsan yahayay. Kaas oo ah:1-Xiddigta cad ee shanta gees leh: Shanta qeybood ee dhulka Soomaalidu degto ka kooban yahay.2-Midabka buluugga khafiifka ah : Cirka iyo badda dhulka Somaalida oo mar walba midabkoodu buluug yahay.
TAARIIKHDA CALANKENAHees:Halgankii Gobannimada:Waaberi WALLE Ama CALAN JIRA OO CAAN AH BAAD AHAAN OO LAGU CAWAANASAYEEYAMA CALAL MARYO AH LA CAYN AH BAAD AHAAN OO CIIRSI WAYDAYEEYCIRKOO AAN CAAD LAHAYNOOW ALLE LA CUSKAYEEYY Halka ka Dhegayso gabaygii Cabdullahi Suldaan Timacadde uu ka tiriyey Munaasabaddii calan saarka ee 26 Juun 1960kii Calanka Soomaaliyeed waxaa markii ugu horreysay Taariikhda la saaray 12kii Oktoobar 1954tii isaga oo ka dhex babaday calamadii Talyaaniga iyo Jamciyadda Qaruumaha ka dhexaysa.Calanka Somaliya waxaa Allifay Allah ha u Naxariistee halgame Maxamad Cawaale Liibaan
Dadka Soomalida ah waxaa lagu tilmaami jiray taariikhda in aay yihiin sinji keenadiid ah oo aan u nuglayn duudsiga shisheeye ,waxaayna iska caabiyeen gumeeystayaasha reer Yurub oo uu ugu soo horreeyey Burtuqiisku muddo qarni ka badan .Geesiyaal badan ayaa naftoodii qaaliga ahayd u huray dhiigoodiina u daadshay difaaca dalka hooyo ,hasayeeshe nasiib darro af-qoran ma lahayn taas oo keentay in halyeeyadaas magacyadoodii aan qaar badan oo kamid ah la diiwaangalin ,hasayeeshe ummaddu illoobimayso ciddii usoo halgantay camuuduna ma diimoona ciddii dhibic dhiig ah u qubtay.Marka laga hadlaayo halganka Soomaaliyeed waxaa ugu caansanaa ,halgamadii uu ugu horreeyey kii Axmad Garaad Ibraahim "Axmad Guray "oo bilowday 1528 dhammaadayna 1543.Axmad Gureey waxaa usuuro gashay in uu jabiyo aabigii boqortooyadii Xabashida uuna gacanta ku dhigo Xaruntoodii Axum Xabashidu waxaay ka fursanwayday in aay u yeerato ciidamo shisheeye oo daafaca .Halganki Axmad Guray waxaa ku xigay kii daraawiishta oo uu hogaaminayey halyeeygii Sayid Maxamad Cabdulle Xassan ,waxaana daraawiishtu sutida u haysay ingiriisak muddo ka badan labaatan sano.Markii Ciidamadii badda iyo kuwii berriguba ka huleeleen darawiishta waxaa Ingiriisku goáan ku gaaray sanadkii 1919kii in uu xagga cirka ka weeraro ciidamada Daraawiishta ,qorshahaas oo ingiriisku fuliyey 21kii jannaayo 1920kii maalintaas oo aay xarumihii Sayidka ee Taleex iyo Jiidali aay soo weerareen dayuuradihii dagaalka ee Ingiriiska oo noocoodu ahaa DH9 .Sida taariikhdu qorayso waxaa Sayid Maxamad Cabdille Xassan ku geeriyooday degmada Iimeeyey 23dii Noofember 1921dii.Tix Kamid ah Gabayadii Guubaabaad ee SaydkaAnaa diiday dagal in aan la galo daalin ii col aheDalka malihid anigaa ku iri dooraweeynaha ehAnaa diiday nabaddiisa aan daacad noqonayneAnaa diiday Deeqdiida aay Naari dabataaleAnaa diiday maantuu laha duunyo iga hooyemarkay duusho Gaaladu anaan daabaddu qabaneKolka aay dareeraan anaan duul xammaal noqoneDiintayda anigaan ku gaadn dabakhi NaareedeAnaan labada Daarood tan hore darajo moodayneSayidku Wuxuu ka tagay Dardaarankaan:Dabin buu idiin qolayaa waydin dagayaayeDirhamkuu idiin qubahayaad dib u goáaysaanemarka hore dabkuu idinka dhigin dumar sidiisiiyeMarka xigana dabbakhaada waa idin dareensiinemarka xiga dushuu idin kararin sida dameeraha ehMarka xiga dalkuu idin ku oran duunyo dhaafsada ehMar haddaan Dushii Adari iyo Iimey dacal dhaafaywaxaad iga dambaysaanba waa deyrta maanta ahemaxaad igaga digataan berribuu siin lasoo degiyeDagaalkii Siyaasiga ahaa oo gumaysiga looga soo horjeeday waxaa majaraha u hayey xisbiga SYL oo dhidibada loo aasay 15kii May 1943 .Xisbigaas baaqa halkudhegga u ahaawaxaa ugu waynaa ereyga hannoolaato oo micnaheedu ahaa waa in qofku naftiisa u huraa sidii uu aayatiin iyo nolol sharaf leh ugu abuuri lahaa jiilka ka dambeeya.
Saddex iyo Tobankaas Dhalinyaro waxaay kala ahaayeen: 1.Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan2.Cabdulqaadir Sakhaawuddiin3.Cusmaan Geddi Raage4.Maxamad Faarax Hilowle5.Maxamad Cusmaan6.Maxamad Xirsi Nuur7.Daahir Xaaji Cusmaan8.Xaaji Maxamad Xusseen9.Cali Xassan Maslax10.Maxamad Cabdulle Xassan11.Maxamad Cali Nuur12.Dheere Xaaji Dheere13.Khaliif Hudda macalin13 -kaas dhalinyaro fikraddii waddaninmo oo aay keeneen waxaay noqotay mid lagu liibaanay xaqiijisayna midnimadii iyo wadajirkii ummadda Soomaaliyeed ,waxaana halgankii SYL mirihiisii la gurtay 1960kii markii 1dii Luulyo aay qarannimada qaadatay Koonfurta Soomaaliya aayna la midowday waqooyiga Soomaaliya oo iyana ka xorowday Ingiriiska 26dii Juun 1960kii waxaana dhalatay markii taariikhda ugu horreysay Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya .
SANADGUURO NASIIB DARANMaantay waxaa nasiibdarro ah in qarannimadii iyo midnimadii loo soo tiil iyo tacab beelay aay farahayaga si hawlyari ah uga baxday ,dalkii Soomaaliyana uu galay marxlad adag oo aay majaraha u hayaan taliyayaal baas oo gacmahooda dhiig iyo godobi ku dhabooqantahay kuwaa oo u hagaya soomaaliya booraantii halaaga iyo aaytiinxumida .Soomaaliya oo ku jirtay dhawr iyo toban sano fawdo iyo majarahabow ma jirto rajo dhaw oo muuqata iyo talo suuban oo lagu soo celinayo qarannimadii iyo midnimadii Soomaaliya.Hasa ahaate Somaliya sida aay u Indho la´dahay uma Alla-laá,lagamana quusan in maalin maalmaha kamid ah la arko soomaaliya oo ah dawlad madax banaan oo diimooqaraadi ah ,dawlad soo celisa midnimadii iyo wadajirkii dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya una horseeda ummadda xasiloonaan aay dadkeedu ku naaloonayaan .
Qaranka iyo Xorriyadii la Helay waa la quursadaye Wax ku qooqay niman aan ogayn qaabka loo helayeQudhooda iyo Maalkaba raggii qiiradaw bixiyeyWaa kaa gidaarada ku quban qalin jabkoodiiye ( Waxaa tiriyey Xaaji Aadan Afqalloc)
TAARIIKHDA CALANKENAHees:Halgankii Gobannimada:Waaberi WALLE Ama CALAN JIRA OO CAAN AH BAAD AHAAN OO LAGU CAWAANASAYEEYAMA CALAL MARYO AH LA CAYN AH BAAD AHAAN OO CIIRSI WAYDAYEEYCIRKOO AAN CAAD LAHAYNOOW ALLE LA CUSKAYEEYY Halka ka Dhegayso gabaygii Cabdullahi Suldaan Timacadde uu ka tiriyey Munaasabaddii calan saarka ee 26 Juun 1960kii Calanka Soomaaliyeed waxaa markii ugu horreysay Taariikhda la saaray 12kii Oktoobar 1954tii isaga oo ka dhex babaday calamadii Talyaaniga iyo Jamciyadda Qaruumaha ka dhexaysa.Calanka Somaliya waxaa Allifay Allah ha u Naxariistee halgame Maxamad Cawaale Liibaan
Dadka Soomalida ah waxaa lagu tilmaami jiray taariikhda in aay yihiin sinji keenadiid ah oo aan u nuglayn duudsiga shisheeye ,waxaayna iska caabiyeen gumeeystayaasha reer Yurub oo uu ugu soo horreeyey Burtuqiisku muddo qarni ka badan .Geesiyaal badan ayaa naftoodii qaaliga ahayd u huray dhiigoodiina u daadshay difaaca dalka hooyo ,hasayeeshe nasiib darro af-qoran ma lahayn taas oo keentay in halyeeyadaas magacyadoodii aan qaar badan oo kamid ah la diiwaangalin ,hasayeeshe ummaddu illoobimayso ciddii usoo halgantay camuuduna ma diimoona ciddii dhibic dhiig ah u qubtay.Marka laga hadlaayo halganka Soomaaliyeed waxaa ugu caansanaa ,halgamadii uu ugu horreeyey kii Axmad Garaad Ibraahim "Axmad Guray "oo bilowday 1528 dhammaadayna 1543.Axmad Gureey waxaa usuuro gashay in uu jabiyo aabigii boqortooyadii Xabashida uuna gacanta ku dhigo Xaruntoodii Axum Xabashidu waxaay ka fursanwayday in aay u yeerato ciidamo shisheeye oo daafaca .Halganki Axmad Guray waxaa ku xigay kii daraawiishta oo uu hogaaminayey halyeeygii Sayid Maxamad Cabdulle Xassan ,waxaana daraawiishtu sutida u haysay ingiriisak muddo ka badan labaatan sano.Markii Ciidamadii badda iyo kuwii berriguba ka huleeleen darawiishta waxaa Ingiriisku goáan ku gaaray sanadkii 1919kii in uu xagga cirka ka weeraro ciidamada Daraawiishta ,qorshahaas oo ingiriisku fuliyey 21kii jannaayo 1920kii maalintaas oo aay xarumihii Sayidka ee Taleex iyo Jiidali aay soo weerareen dayuuradihii dagaalka ee Ingiriiska oo noocoodu ahaa DH9 .Sida taariikhdu qorayso waxaa Sayid Maxamad Cabdille Xassan ku geeriyooday degmada Iimeeyey 23dii Noofember 1921dii.Tix Kamid ah Gabayadii Guubaabaad ee SaydkaAnaa diiday dagal in aan la galo daalin ii col aheDalka malihid anigaa ku iri dooraweeynaha ehAnaa diiday nabaddiisa aan daacad noqonayneAnaa diiday Deeqdiida aay Naari dabataaleAnaa diiday maantuu laha duunyo iga hooyemarkay duusho Gaaladu anaan daabaddu qabaneKolka aay dareeraan anaan duul xammaal noqoneDiintayda anigaan ku gaadn dabakhi NaareedeAnaan labada Daarood tan hore darajo moodayneSayidku Wuxuu ka tagay Dardaarankaan:Dabin buu idiin qolayaa waydin dagayaayeDirhamkuu idiin qubahayaad dib u goáaysaanemarka hore dabkuu idinka dhigin dumar sidiisiiyeMarka xigana dabbakhaada waa idin dareensiinemarka xiga dushuu idin kararin sida dameeraha ehMarka xiga dalkuu idin ku oran duunyo dhaafsada ehMar haddaan Dushii Adari iyo Iimey dacal dhaafaywaxaad iga dambaysaanba waa deyrta maanta ahemaxaad igaga digataan berribuu siin lasoo degiyeDagaalkii Siyaasiga ahaa oo gumaysiga looga soo horjeeday waxaa majaraha u hayey xisbiga SYL oo dhidibada loo aasay 15kii May 1943 .Xisbigaas baaqa halkudhegga u ahaawaxaa ugu waynaa ereyga hannoolaato oo micnaheedu ahaa waa in qofku naftiisa u huraa sidii uu aayatiin iyo nolol sharaf leh ugu abuuri lahaa jiilka ka dambeeya.
Saddex iyo Tobankaas Dhalinyaro waxaay kala ahaayeen: 1.Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan2.Cabdulqaadir Sakhaawuddiin3.Cusmaan Geddi Raage4.Maxamad Faarax Hilowle5.Maxamad Cusmaan6.Maxamad Xirsi Nuur7.Daahir Xaaji Cusmaan8.Xaaji Maxamad Xusseen9.Cali Xassan Maslax10.Maxamad Cabdulle Xassan11.Maxamad Cali Nuur12.Dheere Xaaji Dheere13.Khaliif Hudda macalin13 -kaas dhalinyaro fikraddii waddaninmo oo aay keeneen waxaay noqotay mid lagu liibaanay xaqiijisayna midnimadii iyo wadajirkii ummadda Soomaaliyeed ,waxaana halgankii SYL mirihiisii la gurtay 1960kii markii 1dii Luulyo aay qarannimada qaadatay Koonfurta Soomaaliya aayna la midowday waqooyiga Soomaaliya oo iyana ka xorowday Ingiriiska 26dii Juun 1960kii waxaana dhalatay markii taariikhda ugu horreysay Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya .
SANADGUURO NASIIB DARANMaantay waxaa nasiibdarro ah in qarannimadii iyo midnimadii loo soo tiil iyo tacab beelay aay farahayaga si hawlyari ah uga baxday ,dalkii Soomaaliyana uu galay marxlad adag oo aay majaraha u hayaan taliyayaal baas oo gacmahooda dhiig iyo godobi ku dhabooqantahay kuwaa oo u hagaya soomaaliya booraantii halaaga iyo aaytiinxumida .Soomaaliya oo ku jirtay dhawr iyo toban sano fawdo iyo majarahabow ma jirto rajo dhaw oo muuqata iyo talo suuban oo lagu soo celinayo qarannimadii iyo midnimadii Soomaaliya.Hasa ahaate Somaliya sida aay u Indho la´dahay uma Alla-laá,lagamana quusan in maalin maalmaha kamid ah la arko soomaaliya oo ah dawlad madax banaan oo diimooqaraadi ah ,dawlad soo celisa midnimadii iyo wadajirkii dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya una horseeda ummadda xasiloonaan aay dadkeedu ku naaloonayaan .
Qaranka iyo Xorriyadii la Helay waa la quursadaye Wax ku qooqay niman aan ogayn qaabka loo helayeQudhooda iyo Maalkaba raggii qiiradaw bixiyeyWaa kaa gidaarada ku quban qalin jabkoodiiye ( Waxaa tiriyey Xaaji Aadan Afqalloc)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Somali History الصومال
In the 7th century Arabs and Persians developed a series of trading posts along the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. In the 10th century the area was peopled by Somali nomads and pastoral GALLA from southwest Ethiopia. For the next 900 years Somalis spread throughout the Horn of Africa. Britain and Italy occupied different parts of the territory in the 1880s, and until World War II, Somalia remained under colonial control. In 1941, Britain occupied Italian Somaliland and in 1948 gave the OGADEN region to Ethiopia, although it was populated largely by Somalis. By 1950 the United Nations had voted to grant independence to Somalia, and in 1960 the two former colonies were united to form the Somali Republic.
The rise of Marehan Sultanates
Imam Ahmad (GUREY) from marehan has traditionally sometimes been interpreted as being an Arab in Ethiopia[1], though he is more often represented as Somali native.[2] The traditional interpretation of his ethnicity as Somali, however, has been challenged. Adal was a multiethnic state comprising Afars and Somalis, as well as the ancestors of the modern Harari. Ewald Wagner postulates that, in fact, "the main population of Adal may have been of Afar stock." [3]
His ethnicity is never explicitly mentioned in the Futuh al-Habasha of Sihab ad-Din Ahmad bin 'Abd al-Qader (otherwise known as 'Arab Faqih), the primary source for his conquests, possibly because it was not important or because the author assumed it was known to his readers. There are a number of clues in the Futuh worth considering.
Many of Imam Ahmdad's relatives are identified. His sister Fardusa is said to have been married to the cheiftain Mattan, who is identified as a Somali unlike her.[4] Imam Ahmdad's brother was Muhammad bin Ibrahim, chieftain of the tribes of Shewa and Hargaya before joining the Imam against Ethiopia.[5] He had a cousin Muhammad bin Ali, whose mother was the Imam's aunt; Muhammad was the Sultan of the Somali tribe of Zarba.[6] Last is his cousin Emir Zeharbui Muhammad, of whose background the Futuh has little to say.[7]
The Futuh mentions one Ibrahim bin Ahmad as a ruler of the Adal Sultanate for three months, whose name suggests that he may be the Imam's father. This Ibrahim is described as one of the Belew people and previously having been the ruler of the town of Hubat.[8] The possible connection between the two is strengthened by the fact that Hubat is later mentioned as one of the power bases of Imam Ahmad (the other being Za'ka).[9]
Then there are numerous occasions where the Futuh supplies evidence for an argument from silence. There are numerous passages in the Futuh where Imam Ahmad and the Somali people are mentioned together, and never once does 'Arab Faqih mention the ethnic connection. Further, the Somali warriors are described as having fled during the Battle of Shimbra Kure; had the Imam been Somali, would the Futuh which otherwise praises the Imam at every turn, mention this embarrassing detail?[10]
So far these argue against the Imam being descended from Somali ancestors (although in any case there are undeniably Somali families who can claim to be his descendants). But in favor of Imam Ahmad's having been a Somali is the fact that, after disagreeing with Sultan Umar Din over the alms tax, he retired to live amongst the Somali.[11]
Although one could use the evidence of the Futuh to argue that Imam Ahmad was not a Somali, it is clear that he had many connections to the Somali people. Franz-Christoph Muth identifies him as Somali.[12]
[edit] Early years
Imam Ahmad was born near Zeila, a port city located in northwestern Somalia (then part of Adal, a Muslim state tributary to the Christian Ethiopian Solomonic dynasty), and married Bati del Wambara, the daughter of Mahfuz, governor of Zeila. When Mahfuz was killed returning from a campaign against the Ethiopian emperor Lebna Dengel in 1517, the Adal sultanate lapsed into anarchy for several years, until Imam Ahmad killed the last of the contenders for power and took control of Harar.
In retaliation for an attack on Adal the previous year by the Ethiopian general Degalhan, Imam Ahmad invaded Ethiopia in 1529. Although his troops were fearful of their opponents and attempted to desert upon news that the Ethiopian army was approaching, Ahmad Gragn maintained the discipline of most of his men, defeating Emperor Lebna Dengel at Shimbra Kure that March.[13]
[edit] Invasion of Ethiopia
Ahmed Gurey monument in Mogadishu.
Imam Ahmad again campaigned in Ethiopia in 1531, breaking Emperor Lebna Dengel's ability to resist in the Battle of Amba Sel on October 28. The Moslem army then marched northward to loot the island monastery of Lake Hayq and the stone churches of Lalibela. When the Imam entered the province of Tigray, he defeated an Ethiopian army that confronted him there. On reaching Axum, he destroyed the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, in which the Ethiopian emperors had for centuries been crowned.
The Ethiopians were forced to ask for help from the Portuguese, who landed at the port of Massawa on February 10, 1541, during the reign of the emperor Gelawdewos. The force was led by Christovão da Gama and included 400 musketeers as well as a number of artisans and other non-combatants. Da Gama and Imam Ahmad met on April 1, 1542 at Jarte, which Trimingham has identified with Anasa, between Amba Alagi and Lake Ashenge.[14] Here the Portuguese had their first glimpse of Ahmad, as recorded by Castanhoso:
While his camp was being pitched, the king of Zeila [Imam Ahmad] acended a hill with several horse and some foot to examine us: he halted on the top with three hundred horse and three large banners, two white with red moons, and one red with a white moon, which always accompanied him, and [by] which he was recognized.[15]
On April 4, after the two unfamiliar armies had exchanged messages and stared at each other for a few days, Da Gama formed his troops into an infantry square and marched against the Imam's lines, repelling successive waves of Moslem attacks with musket and cannon. This battle ended when Imam Ahmad was wounded in the leg by a chance shot; seeing his banners signal retreat, the Portuguese and their Ethiopian allies fell upon the disorganized Muslims, who suffered losses but managed to reform next to the river on the distant side.
Over the next several days, Imam Ahmad was reinforced by arrivals of fresh troops. Understanding the need to act swiftly, Da Gama on April 16 again formed a square which he led against Imam Ahmad's camp. Although the Muslims fought with more determination than two weeks earlier -- their horse almost broke the Portuguese square -- an opportune explosion of some gunpowder traumatized the horses on the Imam's side, and his army fled in disorder. Castanhoso laments that "the victory would have been complete this day had we only one hundred horses to finish it: for the King was carried on men's shoulders in a bed, accompanied by horsemen, and they fled in no order."[16]
Reinforced by the arrival of the Bahr negus Yeshaq, Da Gama marched southward after Imam Ahmad's force, coming within sight of him ten days later. However, the onset of the rainy season prevented Da Gama from engaging Ahmad a third time. On the advice of Queen Sabla Wengel, Da Gama made winter camp at Wofla near Lake Ashenge, still within sight of his opponent.[17]
Knowing that victory lay in the number of firearms an army had, the Imam sent to his fellow Muslims for help. According to Abbé Joachim le Grand, Imam Ahmad received 2000 musketeers from Arabia, and artillery and 900 picked men from the Ottomans to assist him. Meanwhile, due to casualties and other duties, Da Gama's force was reduced to 300 musketeers. After the rains ended, Imam Ahmad attacked the Portuguese camp and through weight of numbers killed all but 140 of Da Gama's troops. Da Gama himself, badly wounded, was captured with ten of his men and, after refusing an offer to spare his life if he would convert to Islam, was executed.[18]
The survivors and Emperor Gelawdewos were afterward able to join forces and, drawing on the Portuguese supplies, attacked Ahmad on February 21, 1543 in the Battle of Wayna Daga, where their 9,000 troops managed to defeat the 15,000 soldiers under Imam Ahmad. The Imam was killed by a Portuguese musketeer, who was mortally wounded in avenging Da Gama's death.
His wife Bati del Wambara managed to escape the battlefield with a remnant of the Turkish soldiers, and they made their way back to Harar, where she rallied his followers. Intent on avenging her husband's death, she married his nephew Nur ibn Mujahid on condition that Nur would avenge Imam Ahmad's defeat.
"In Ethiopia the damage which [Ahmad] Gragn did has never been forgotten," wrote Paul B. Henze. "Every Christian highlander still hears tales of Gragn in his childhood. Haile Selassie referred to him in his memoirs. I have often had villagers in northern Ethiopia point out sites of towns, forts, churches and monasteries destroyed by Gragn as if these catastrophes had occurred only yesterday."[19] While acknowledging that many modern Somali nationalists consider Ahmad a national hero, Henze dismisses their claims, stating that the concept of a Somali nation did not exist during Ahmad's lifetime.
c. 2350 BC: Egyptians establish trade with the Land of Punt[7]
1st century AD: Ports on the Somali coast are active in commerce trading with Greek, and later Roman merchants. [1]
[edit] Muslim era
700 - 1000 AD: the Port cities in Somalia trade with Arab traders and convert to Islam
1300 - 1400 AD: the prosperous Somali city states are visited by Ibn Battuta and Zheng he
1500 - 1660: the Rise and Fall of Adal Sultanate.
1528 - 1535: Jihad against Ethiopia led by Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi, also called Ahmed Gurey or Ahmed Gran (the Left-handed)[1]
1400 - 1700: the Rise and Fall of the Ajuuraan Dynasty
1800 - 1900: Geledi Sultanate/Hobyo Sultanate
[edit] Colonial era
20 July 1887 : British Somaliland protectorate (in the north) subordinated to Aden to 1905.
3 August 1889: Benadir Coast Italian Protectorate (in the northeast), (unoccupied until May 1893).
1900: Mohammed AbdulLE Hassan spearheads a somali war against foreigners
16 March 1905: Italian Somalia (Italian Somaliland) colony (in the northeast and in the south).
July 1910: Italian Somaliland a crown colony.
1920: Mohammed Abdullah Hassan (called "the Mad Mullah" by the British) dies and the longest and bloodiest colonial resistance war in Africa ends.
15 January 1935: Italian Somalia part of Italian East Africa with Italian Eritrea (and from 1936 Ethiopia).
1 June 1936: Part of Italian East Africa (province of Somalia, formed by the merger of the colony and the Ethiopian region of Ogaden; see Ethiopia).
[edit] World War II
18 August 1940: Italian occupation of British Somaliland.
February 1941: British administration of Italian Somalia.
[edit] Independence and Cold War
1 April 1950: Italian Somalia becomes United Nations trust territory under Italian administration.
26 June 1960: Independence of British Somaliland as the State of Somaliland.
1 July 1960: Unification of Somaliland with Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic.
1960 - 1967: Presidency of Aden Abdullah Osman Daar
1967 - 1969: Presidency of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke; assassinated by a police officer.
21 October 1969: Somali Democratic Republic
1969 - 1991: Mohamed Siad Barre rises to power in a coup d'etat after the assassination of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke. Remains head of state of Somalia until forced from power by General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Barre dies in exile of a heart attack in 1995.
23 July 1977 - 15 March 1978: Ogaden War
[edit] Civil War
1 January 1991: Somalia collapses, no single functioning government.
1991 - 1996: General Mohamed Farrah Aidid, leader of the United Somali Congress (USC) and later Somali National Alliance (SNA), is the strongest of the vying warlords. He opposes US intervention in Somalia and is the subject of the raid which led to the Battle of Mogadishu, also known as the "Blackhawk Down" incident. In 1996 he dies of gunshot wounds while fighting against a rival faction.
18 May 1991: Secession of former British Somaliland; as Republic of Somaliland which is proclaimed 24 May 1991 (not internationally recognized).
21 July 1991: Somali Republic
April - November 1992: UNOSOM I is the initial UN humanitarian mission to provide relief to famine-plagued and war-torn Somalia.
3 December 1992 - 4 May 1993: Operation Restore Hope is the name for the UN-sanctioned US military intervention in Somalia, known as UNITAF. Friction with Mohamed Farrah Aidid culminates in the Battle of Mogadishu.
March 1993 - March 1995: UNOSOM II is the follow-on UN humanitarian mission.
July 1992 - 27 Aug 2000: United Nations declares Somalia to be a country "without a government."
February 2004: Transitional Federal Government (TFG) writes Charter and establishes framework for government in Nairobi, Kenya
26 February, 2006: TFG first meets inside Somalia in Baidoa.
May - June 2006: Rise of the Islamic Courts Union (2006): Islamic Courts Union (ICU) takes control over capital in Second Battle of Mogadishu defeating the ARPCT
December 2006: IGASOM approved by UN Security Council, War in Somalia (2006–present), Battle of Baidoa to Fall of Mogadishu
The rise of Marehan Sultanates
Imam Ahmad (GUREY) from marehan has traditionally sometimes been interpreted as being an Arab in Ethiopia[1], though he is more often represented as Somali native.[2] The traditional interpretation of his ethnicity as Somali, however, has been challenged. Adal was a multiethnic state comprising Afars and Somalis, as well as the ancestors of the modern Harari. Ewald Wagner postulates that, in fact, "the main population of Adal may have been of Afar stock." [3]
His ethnicity is never explicitly mentioned in the Futuh al-Habasha of Sihab ad-Din Ahmad bin 'Abd al-Qader (otherwise known as 'Arab Faqih), the primary source for his conquests, possibly because it was not important or because the author assumed it was known to his readers. There are a number of clues in the Futuh worth considering.
Many of Imam Ahmdad's relatives are identified. His sister Fardusa is said to have been married to the cheiftain Mattan, who is identified as a Somali unlike her.[4] Imam Ahmdad's brother was Muhammad bin Ibrahim, chieftain of the tribes of Shewa and Hargaya before joining the Imam against Ethiopia.[5] He had a cousin Muhammad bin Ali, whose mother was the Imam's aunt; Muhammad was the Sultan of the Somali tribe of Zarba.[6] Last is his cousin Emir Zeharbui Muhammad, of whose background the Futuh has little to say.[7]
The Futuh mentions one Ibrahim bin Ahmad as a ruler of the Adal Sultanate for three months, whose name suggests that he may be the Imam's father. This Ibrahim is described as one of the Belew people and previously having been the ruler of the town of Hubat.[8] The possible connection between the two is strengthened by the fact that Hubat is later mentioned as one of the power bases of Imam Ahmad (the other being Za'ka).[9]
Then there are numerous occasions where the Futuh supplies evidence for an argument from silence. There are numerous passages in the Futuh where Imam Ahmad and the Somali people are mentioned together, and never once does 'Arab Faqih mention the ethnic connection. Further, the Somali warriors are described as having fled during the Battle of Shimbra Kure; had the Imam been Somali, would the Futuh which otherwise praises the Imam at every turn, mention this embarrassing detail?[10]
So far these argue against the Imam being descended from Somali ancestors (although in any case there are undeniably Somali families who can claim to be his descendants). But in favor of Imam Ahmad's having been a Somali is the fact that, after disagreeing with Sultan Umar Din over the alms tax, he retired to live amongst the Somali.[11]
Although one could use the evidence of the Futuh to argue that Imam Ahmad was not a Somali, it is clear that he had many connections to the Somali people. Franz-Christoph Muth identifies him as Somali.[12]
[edit] Early years
Imam Ahmad was born near Zeila, a port city located in northwestern Somalia (then part of Adal, a Muslim state tributary to the Christian Ethiopian Solomonic dynasty), and married Bati del Wambara, the daughter of Mahfuz, governor of Zeila. When Mahfuz was killed returning from a campaign against the Ethiopian emperor Lebna Dengel in 1517, the Adal sultanate lapsed into anarchy for several years, until Imam Ahmad killed the last of the contenders for power and took control of Harar.
In retaliation for an attack on Adal the previous year by the Ethiopian general Degalhan, Imam Ahmad invaded Ethiopia in 1529. Although his troops were fearful of their opponents and attempted to desert upon news that the Ethiopian army was approaching, Ahmad Gragn maintained the discipline of most of his men, defeating Emperor Lebna Dengel at Shimbra Kure that March.[13]
[edit] Invasion of Ethiopia
Ahmed Gurey monument in Mogadishu.
Imam Ahmad again campaigned in Ethiopia in 1531, breaking Emperor Lebna Dengel's ability to resist in the Battle of Amba Sel on October 28. The Moslem army then marched northward to loot the island monastery of Lake Hayq and the stone churches of Lalibela. When the Imam entered the province of Tigray, he defeated an Ethiopian army that confronted him there. On reaching Axum, he destroyed the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, in which the Ethiopian emperors had for centuries been crowned.
The Ethiopians were forced to ask for help from the Portuguese, who landed at the port of Massawa on February 10, 1541, during the reign of the emperor Gelawdewos. The force was led by Christovão da Gama and included 400 musketeers as well as a number of artisans and other non-combatants. Da Gama and Imam Ahmad met on April 1, 1542 at Jarte, which Trimingham has identified with Anasa, between Amba Alagi and Lake Ashenge.[14] Here the Portuguese had their first glimpse of Ahmad, as recorded by Castanhoso:
While his camp was being pitched, the king of Zeila [Imam Ahmad] acended a hill with several horse and some foot to examine us: he halted on the top with three hundred horse and three large banners, two white with red moons, and one red with a white moon, which always accompanied him, and [by] which he was recognized.[15]
On April 4, after the two unfamiliar armies had exchanged messages and stared at each other for a few days, Da Gama formed his troops into an infantry square and marched against the Imam's lines, repelling successive waves of Moslem attacks with musket and cannon. This battle ended when Imam Ahmad was wounded in the leg by a chance shot; seeing his banners signal retreat, the Portuguese and their Ethiopian allies fell upon the disorganized Muslims, who suffered losses but managed to reform next to the river on the distant side.
Over the next several days, Imam Ahmad was reinforced by arrivals of fresh troops. Understanding the need to act swiftly, Da Gama on April 16 again formed a square which he led against Imam Ahmad's camp. Although the Muslims fought with more determination than two weeks earlier -- their horse almost broke the Portuguese square -- an opportune explosion of some gunpowder traumatized the horses on the Imam's side, and his army fled in disorder. Castanhoso laments that "the victory would have been complete this day had we only one hundred horses to finish it: for the King was carried on men's shoulders in a bed, accompanied by horsemen, and they fled in no order."[16]
Reinforced by the arrival of the Bahr negus Yeshaq, Da Gama marched southward after Imam Ahmad's force, coming within sight of him ten days later. However, the onset of the rainy season prevented Da Gama from engaging Ahmad a third time. On the advice of Queen Sabla Wengel, Da Gama made winter camp at Wofla near Lake Ashenge, still within sight of his opponent.[17]
Knowing that victory lay in the number of firearms an army had, the Imam sent to his fellow Muslims for help. According to Abbé Joachim le Grand, Imam Ahmad received 2000 musketeers from Arabia, and artillery and 900 picked men from the Ottomans to assist him. Meanwhile, due to casualties and other duties, Da Gama's force was reduced to 300 musketeers. After the rains ended, Imam Ahmad attacked the Portuguese camp and through weight of numbers killed all but 140 of Da Gama's troops. Da Gama himself, badly wounded, was captured with ten of his men and, after refusing an offer to spare his life if he would convert to Islam, was executed.[18]
The survivors and Emperor Gelawdewos were afterward able to join forces and, drawing on the Portuguese supplies, attacked Ahmad on February 21, 1543 in the Battle of Wayna Daga, where their 9,000 troops managed to defeat the 15,000 soldiers under Imam Ahmad. The Imam was killed by a Portuguese musketeer, who was mortally wounded in avenging Da Gama's death.
His wife Bati del Wambara managed to escape the battlefield with a remnant of the Turkish soldiers, and they made their way back to Harar, where she rallied his followers. Intent on avenging her husband's death, she married his nephew Nur ibn Mujahid on condition that Nur would avenge Imam Ahmad's defeat.
"In Ethiopia the damage which [Ahmad] Gragn did has never been forgotten," wrote Paul B. Henze. "Every Christian highlander still hears tales of Gragn in his childhood. Haile Selassie referred to him in his memoirs. I have often had villagers in northern Ethiopia point out sites of towns, forts, churches and monasteries destroyed by Gragn as if these catastrophes had occurred only yesterday."[19] While acknowledging that many modern Somali nationalists consider Ahmad a national hero, Henze dismisses their claims, stating that the concept of a Somali nation did not exist during Ahmad's lifetime.
c. 2350 BC: Egyptians establish trade with the Land of Punt[7]
1st century AD: Ports on the Somali coast are active in commerce trading with Greek, and later Roman merchants. [1]
[edit] Muslim era
700 - 1000 AD: the Port cities in Somalia trade with Arab traders and convert to Islam
1300 - 1400 AD: the prosperous Somali city states are visited by Ibn Battuta and Zheng he
1500 - 1660: the Rise and Fall of Adal Sultanate.
1528 - 1535: Jihad against Ethiopia led by Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi, also called Ahmed Gurey or Ahmed Gran (the Left-handed)[1]
1400 - 1700: the Rise and Fall of the Ajuuraan Dynasty
1800 - 1900: Geledi Sultanate/Hobyo Sultanate
[edit] Colonial era
20 July 1887 : British Somaliland protectorate (in the north) subordinated to Aden to 1905.
3 August 1889: Benadir Coast Italian Protectorate (in the northeast), (unoccupied until May 1893).
1900: Mohammed AbdulLE Hassan spearheads a somali war against foreigners
16 March 1905: Italian Somalia (Italian Somaliland) colony (in the northeast and in the south).
July 1910: Italian Somaliland a crown colony.
1920: Mohammed Abdullah Hassan (called "the Mad Mullah" by the British) dies and the longest and bloodiest colonial resistance war in Africa ends.
15 January 1935: Italian Somalia part of Italian East Africa with Italian Eritrea (and from 1936 Ethiopia).
1 June 1936: Part of Italian East Africa (province of Somalia, formed by the merger of the colony and the Ethiopian region of Ogaden; see Ethiopia).
[edit] World War II
18 August 1940: Italian occupation of British Somaliland.
February 1941: British administration of Italian Somalia.
[edit] Independence and Cold War
1 April 1950: Italian Somalia becomes United Nations trust territory under Italian administration.
26 June 1960: Independence of British Somaliland as the State of Somaliland.
1 July 1960: Unification of Somaliland with Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic.
1960 - 1967: Presidency of Aden Abdullah Osman Daar
1967 - 1969: Presidency of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke; assassinated by a police officer.
21 October 1969: Somali Democratic Republic
1969 - 1991: Mohamed Siad Barre rises to power in a coup d'etat after the assassination of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke. Remains head of state of Somalia until forced from power by General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Barre dies in exile of a heart attack in 1995.
23 July 1977 - 15 March 1978: Ogaden War
[edit] Civil War
1 January 1991: Somalia collapses, no single functioning government.
1991 - 1996: General Mohamed Farrah Aidid, leader of the United Somali Congress (USC) and later Somali National Alliance (SNA), is the strongest of the vying warlords. He opposes US intervention in Somalia and is the subject of the raid which led to the Battle of Mogadishu, also known as the "Blackhawk Down" incident. In 1996 he dies of gunshot wounds while fighting against a rival faction.
18 May 1991: Secession of former British Somaliland; as Republic of Somaliland which is proclaimed 24 May 1991 (not internationally recognized).
21 July 1991: Somali Republic
April - November 1992: UNOSOM I is the initial UN humanitarian mission to provide relief to famine-plagued and war-torn Somalia.
3 December 1992 - 4 May 1993: Operation Restore Hope is the name for the UN-sanctioned US military intervention in Somalia, known as UNITAF. Friction with Mohamed Farrah Aidid culminates in the Battle of Mogadishu.
March 1993 - March 1995: UNOSOM II is the follow-on UN humanitarian mission.
July 1992 - 27 Aug 2000: United Nations declares Somalia to be a country "without a government."
February 2004: Transitional Federal Government (TFG) writes Charter and establishes framework for government in Nairobi, Kenya
26 February, 2006: TFG first meets inside Somalia in Baidoa.
May - June 2006: Rise of the Islamic Courts Union (2006): Islamic Courts Union (ICU) takes control over capital in Second Battle of Mogadishu defeating the ARPCT
December 2006: IGASOM approved by UN Security Council, War in Somalia (2006–present), Battle of Baidoa to Fall of Mogadishu
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